I wondered why I do this. Habit? Possibly. I have done it for as long as I can remember. Am I lazy? Maybe. I guess it could potentially save me a trip in the long run. Am I wasteful? That's probably way more true than I would care to admit. But I don't think that's why. I think it's because when you see the true potential of something, you can't help but want to see it reached.
I know what you're thinking. Come on, Anna. It's a glass of water. But something about this really speaks to me. This same idea has proven to be true in real life circumstances. Who do people most want to be associated with? Successful people. What determines their success? The level of human potential that they have reached. People decide whether to hop on board or run for the hills depending on where they see things are going.
So how do we reach this point in our lives? Do we keep trying things until we find our perfect fit? Do we just pray and hope everything works out right? Well, I don't have the answer to that. All I know is that you have potential -- more potential than what you can see right now. A part of your journey is finding it; a part of my journey is offering encouragement and any help you may need along the way.
Go out today and inspire someone.