
When the search finds you.

Today, I sat down to lunch with my friend Molly. As we discussed our newest summer endeavors, she began talking with me about the desk she's refinishing. She told me about every detail of everything she was going through in order to make the desk presentable -- how her right arm hurt from all of the effort she was putting into sanding, the tedious work of sanding the corners. Then, she mentioned something that caught the interest of us both.

As she talked about sanding the top of the desk, sawdust covering everything in her garage thanks to the Oklahoma draft, she laughingly said that there came a time where she scraped away the shavings and said, "Whoa, there's a whole different desk under here!"

We began talking about how the Christian walk looks very similar. We work and we work, we get frustrated, our body aches, and we feel like we'll never be finished. But as soon as we scrape away all of the junk that hinders us from seeing what's underneath, we are finally introduced to the end result.

This can be frustrating. At first, you're inspired. I mean seriously, look at all the work you just accomplished! But there's an entire table still waiting to receive the same attention. And at times, you may become disheartened by how much you have left to do, but I beg you to realize that it is a process. And you must recognize that the desk does not sand itself; don't be afraid to ask for help from those you trust around you, and continually pray for your heart to be made new and for energy to be added to your life to keep you moving.

Next time you're in a drought, try to find the time to pick up a project. Let it move you. Go into it knowing that, as with anything you devote your time and effort to, it will both uplift and frustrate you. Recognize that God made everything and so, through everything, we can see glimpses of Him. Exactly every movement you make is the result of His divine plan, and so be open to letting yourself go. Pour your heart into everything you do, and learn.

May the whisper of the Holy Spirit touch your heart today. May the grace and mercy of God quench your thirst as you run your race. Fear nothing, especially not love. And for goodness' sake, live your life.

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